Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Immediate: The Best Kind of Results!

David, Lanita and John Wesley - good times!
Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks, David for the very quick response. Hey yall, that reminds me of a Blue Lake Song! Anybody remember "Seek and Ye Shall Find"? That song will definitely be running through my mind today.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Three Tiny Pictures

My hard drive crashed a while back, and I was sick at all the good things I lost, including a number of Blue Lake people shots and all the little video clips John West so creatively put together. David was able to replace some of what I'd lost, but not all of it. Imagine my excitement last night to run across an email I had sent to Caroline Cumbee Picking, with the missing photos attached! But, there is a bit of a problem..... These nice photos of David, Lanita and John Wesley, along with other I had attached to the email for Caroline, cannot be made any bigger without major pixilation. It seems that between the time that I sent the message to Caroline and last night, Yahoo Pictures has become obsolete. And when I tried to enlarge the pictures all I got was a message saying such. So, dear staff alumni, do any of you have copies of these three pictures that you would be so kind as to post on this blog? Or to send to me or John or David to post? We are all three listed as authors. Thanks in advance! Merry

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Beefcake, anyone?

As a nod to David's list of Summer of 66 Blue Lake Staff, here are pictures of some of those handsome guys! Enjoy.....

Rick Wood and Johnny West
Rick again, and David Alsobrook
Rick again, and from the looks of the swim trunks, I would guess it's David.

One last shot of Johnny and Rick

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Few Names from 1966

Here are some of permanent staff who worked at Blue Lake in 1966:


John West--Andalusia, AL; longtime resident of Tampa, FL, where he is a radiologist.

Arthur Howington--Birmingham (?)

Ronald Wyatt--Straughn, AL

Michael Murphy--Andalusia, AL


Pat Graybill, Warrington, FL

Melanie Wood, Chipley, FL

Elaine Stuart, Andalusia, AL

Gloria Wilson, Evergreen, AL

Maria Vargas, Santiago, Chile (International Methodist Student)

David Alsobrook, Mobile, AL

Will add further commentary about our group in later posts. Also, for some reason, I seem to recall that Margaret Till (aka "Tilley") from Luverne was there in '66 as well, but I may be mixing up my summers.

David Alsobrook

Great Pics!

Wonderful shots of Blue Lake that bring back lots of memories for me! For whatever reason, I always enjoyed the meals at Dogwood more than at Pinewood--grits & scrambled eggs, a deep-dish baked spaghetti thing, waldorf salad, homemade rolls, etc. When I was a counselor at Dogwood, somebody nicknamed me "GD" for garbage disposal, because I usually ate everything on the table, including any leftovers that the campers didn't want. There was a downstairs rec room that the lifeguards used for lifting weights--Johnny West, Arthur Howington, et al. I also thought that Dogwood's natural beauty surpassed Pinewood's. In '66, I think, there was a small alligator that sunned himself on the dock in the swimming area but always disappeared when the kids showed up to swim. I remember we later found his mummified remains along the shore at the end of the summer. We adopted two stray dogs that summer--"Slash" and "Shag." They probably stayed at Blue Lake until they went to doggie heaven. I think that was Rev. Carmichael's first year at Blue Lake, but he and Mrs. Carmichael, Keitha, and Asher treated us all like members of their own family. I think I can speak for all of us that we in turn loved them like they were our family.

David Alsobrook
One of Syd's Kids,
Blue Lake '66 & '68

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Pictures

G-4 at Pinewood, summer home of Lanita, Caroline, Jo and Merry in 1968. Check out the window AirConditioner!

Campfire Ring at Pinewood

Plaque for the Upper Room at Pinewood.

The new and improved cabins at Dogwood. Discuss among yourselves...

I can't quite remember the exact location of this picture. Anyone?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Explanation

I just spoke with Jo and she reminded me that Syd's name is spelled with a "y" not an "i" as I have it in the URL for this blog. I had to come up with a web address for our blog, and when I submitted "sydskids" it was rejected, as was "halcyondays" and "thosehalcyondays" and even "sidskids." Go figure. Anyway, so I changed the spelling a little and that's how we got "sidskidsbluelake."

So. More pictures, anyone? Enjoy!

Dogwood Staff Room

Dogwood Campfire Ring (I think!)
Dogwood back porch
Dogwood Dining Hall
Pinewood Kitchen - Smell that spaghetti?

Sorry there aren't lots of pictures of Pinewood, but I got chased off from some Emmaus Walk goons (oops! I meant to say participants!) They were quite firm about my not invading their secret meetings..... So I beat it out of there. I do have some good shots of the pinewood cabin we girls used in 1968. Those were the days, my friend.... more tomorrow.